Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Preparing For ICD-10

AccuChecker The Complete Tool For Medical Reimbursement 

Medical Practices will need to prepare for costs such as:

·       Software and hardware

o   In house and vendor modifications

o   Upgrades

o   New software, systems and equipment

·       Education

o   Coder training

o   Clinician education

o   Awareness raising

·       Testing related costs


·       Staff time needed for:

o   Implementation planning

o   Training

o   Testing

o   Vendor management

·       Temp staffing to assist with extra work resulting from:

o   Decreased coding productivity

o   Billing backlogs

o   Claims denial and rejection management

o   IT work on upgrades and systems

o   Lost time during training

·       Consulting services

·       Forms and reports

o   Redesign

o   Printing costs

·       Data conversion

·       Dual coding

o   Added time

o   Maintaining data collection

o   Analyzing data

·       Contingencies

o   Software that doesn't work

o   Staffing issues

These costs, which could be substantial, need to be assigned to the appropriate department budgets. And ICD-10 budgeting planning doesn't stop Oct. 1, 2015. Medical practices will need more staffing to deal with productivity, claims management and software upgrades after the ICD-10 deadline. 


Are you Ready for 2015?


HPP Management Group and AccuChecker Online is your solution for Medical Coding and Reimbursement in 2015.


HPP Management Group, Corp.
Developers of the AccuChecker Product Line
                                                         Phone: (305) 227-2383



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ICD10 Coding Tips

1. Laterality Just about every ICD-10-CM code that can have a right and left variation has one, so remember to add this information to anything that has a right and left option. Based on a recent review of thousands of radiology documents, many radiologists seem to already be providing this documentation in many cases, but there are some symptoms and diagnoses that are still routinely missing this information. Note that for the following diagnoses, certain information must be documented:

• Breast, lung, and ovarian cancers must specify right or left breast, lung, or ovary, respectively.

 • Tinnitus and otitis media must specify right or left ear.

 • Meniscal tear must specify right or left knee. To prevent confusion, it’s best to document this information as part of the diagnosis statement (eg, bucket-handle tear right medial meniscus) in the impression section rather than leaving it ambiguous and requiring the coder or computer-assisted coding program to detect the laterality from the exam title or clinical indication.

 2. Encounter Type All accident and injury ICD-10-CM codes must include a seventh digit to indicate whether an encounter is initial, subsequent, or sequela in nature. Initial: This designation relates to when a service was rendered during the patient’s initial encounter for diagnosis and “active treatment” of the condition. If an exam is performed during the patient’s initial admission or emergency department (ED) visit after the injury, document “initial encounter.” The following are examples of this encounter type:

 • an ankle X-ray for an ED patient after a twisting injury that day (nearly all exams for ED patients will be initial encounter);

 • a brain MRI for a patient admitted from the ED after concussion;

 • an intraoperative X-ray for a fracture to help with hardware placement for fixation; and

 • a CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis for injuries from a motor vehicle accident. Subsequent: This relates to a service that was rendered after the initial diagnosis and treatment were completed, “receiving routine care for the condition during the healing or recovery phase” (eg, follow-up fracture to check healing). If the exam is performed after the initial treatment is completed, document “subsequent encounter.” Examples of these encounters are as follows:

 • a follow-up tibia-fibula X-ray four weeks after casting to check the healing progress; and

 • a follow-up wrist X-ray at four weeks and six weeks to check on a fracture malunion. Sequela: Lastly, this documentation is used for complications or conditions that arise as a direct result of a condition, such as scar formation after a burn (the scars are a sequelae of the burn). Examples are as follows:

 • a knee MRI for pain due to an old meniscal tear;

 • a shoulder X-ray for pain due to an old rotator cuff tear; and

 • a hip X-ray for gait disturbance due to an old hip fracture.

3. Fracture Healing Status ICD-10-CM fracture codes require a seventh-digit character for follow-up (subsequent) exams to indicate the status of healing. One of the following healing categories should be documented for all follow-up fracture exams: routine healing, delayed healing, nonunion, or malunion.  

4. Anatomy Some ICD-10-CM codes have very specific anatomy descriptions, more so than ICD-9-CM. Be as specific as possible when describing anatomy in your documentation. Here are some examples of the degree of anatomy specificity that will be required in ICD-10-CM: • For a cerebral infarction, which artery was affected? Is it the precerebral, cerebral, middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, posterior cerebral, or cerebellar artery?

• For lung cancer, be sure to designate between the main bronchus vs. the upper, middle, or lower lobe. Are there overlapping sites?

 • For an ankle fracture, be sure to document whether it’s the medial or lateral malleolus. Is the fracture bimalleolar or trimalleolar? If none of these are specified, you will have to assign the generic “Other fracture of lower leg” ICD-10-CM code.

 • For an ankle sprain, be sure to specify ligament type, whether it’s the calcaneofibular, deltoid, or tibiofibular ligament. 


Are you Ready for 2015? 

HPP Management Group and AccuChecker Online is your solution for Medical Coding and Reimbursement in 2015.



HPP Management Group, Corp.
Developers of the AccuChecker Product Line
Phone: (305) 227-2383




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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

ICD10 and It's Impact


ICD-10 will mark one of the biggest changes to health care in the United States in many decades.


ICD-10 Compliance Date

CMS announced a Final Rule that requires the use of ICD-10 codes effective October 1, 2015

•Claims for dates of service on or before September 30, 2015 will use ICD-9 codes

•Claims for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 must use ICD-10 codes

•This change impacts HEDIS 2015 which collects performance information about the 2014 calendar year


What’s Different? 

·         Much greater specificity!

o   Diagnosis codes increase from 13K to 68K (92K in our resource)

o   Procedure codes increase from 4K to 87K

·         Changes to format and structure

·         Concepts added

·         Concepts moved

·         Concepts deleted 

Why Change? 

·         Feasibility

o   ICD-10: An increase in the number of diagnosis and procedure codes, combined with the need to list codes individually, makes tables very large.

·         Improvement

o   Managing codes electronically will allow NCQA and customers to manage a large volume of information more efficiently and more accurately.

o   Using Value Sets standardizes terminology and definitions across measures and products.


Specific Changes 

·         Some HEDIS tables contain codes for a single concept, and any code meets criteria for reporting

o   All codes will be included in a single Value Set

·         Some HEDIS tables separate codes by Description

o   If different Descriptions are required for reporting, a Value Set will be created for each Description

o   If different Descriptions are not required for reporting, a single Value Set will be created

·         Value Set naming convention

·         Value Set references in HEDIS Publications 

Successful practices will have the right tools in place to make the transition as smooth as possible. AccuChecker is the RIGHT tool ! AccuChecker is The Complete Tool for Medical Reimbursement.




HPP Management Group, Corp.
Developers of the AccuChecker Product Line
Phone: (305) 227-2383




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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

ICD-10 Test Dates Released

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced three different testing weeks leading up to the October 1, 2015 implementation date for ICD-10.

The testing weeks will be:

  • November 17 – 21, 2014
  • March 2 – 6, 2015
  • June 1 – 5, 2015


According to CMS, while submitters may acknowledgement test ICD-10 claims at any time through implementation, the ICD-10 testing weeks have been created to generate awareness and interest, and to instill confidence in the provider community that CMS and the Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) are ready and prepared for the ICD-10 implementation. Testing is designed to validate the trading partners’ ability to meet technical compliance and performance processing standards during the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) 5010 implementation, the agency said.

Earlier this month, CMS announced that it would offer three separate end-to-end testing opportunities. Each opportunity will be open to a limited number of providers that volunteer for this testing; as planned, approximately 2,550 volunteer submitters will have the opportunity to participate over the course of the three testing periods, the agency said.

The time to prepare for ICD-10 is NOW.

AccuChecker is The Complete Tool For Medical Reimbursement.


Designing ICD-10-CM our main concern was implementing the best retrieval techniques in searching, extracting and selecting the correct diagnosis codes and presenting the ICD-10-CM information like in a book format and at the same time delivering in  www.accuchecker.com  the most comprehensive, fastest and accurate ONLINE system in the healthcare industry. 

Ask for a demo and compare our ICD-10-CM to the most expenses systems in the market – compare feature by feature and then compare our prices – AccuChecker OnLine Product Line applications including our ICD-10-CM gives the highest return on investment to any medical software in the nation.

How do we present the ICD-10-CM Codes? 

AccuChecker OnLine ICD-10-CM lists the most common description identifier of a diagnosis code and also displays synonyms or names that are identified by the same code and the same condition.


Level of Detail in Coding: 

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis codes are to be used and reported at their highest number of digits available. They are composed of codes with 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 digits. 

Seventh character and placeholders: 

Some codes require the use of a seventh character for codes in chapters.

If there are fewer than six characters in the code (not counting the decimal point) the placeholder "x" is used to ensure that the seventh character is always in the seventh position. 


The word "Includes" appears immediately under certain categories to further define, or give examples of, the content of the category. 

Excludes Notes: ICD-10-CM has two types of excludes notes.

  • Exclude 1 - Indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as the code in this section.
  • Exclude 2 - Indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time.

Code First/Use Additional Code notes (etiology/manifestation paired codes): 

Certain conditions have both an underlying etiology and multiple body system manifestations due to the underlying etiology. For such conditions the ICD-10-CM has a coding convention that requires the underlying condition be sequenced first followed by the manifestation. Wherever such a combination exists there is a "use additional code" note at the etiology code, and a "code first" note at the manifestation code. These instructional notes indicate the proper sequencing order of the codes, etiology followed by manifestation.


ICD-9-CM CODES: AccuChecker OnLine ICD-10-CM also displays the ICD-9-CM code and description of the diagnosis code, it is the “2-IN-ONE” approach:

You can use our ICD-10-CM version to operate ICD-9-CM, which means that the staff in the office will be proficient using the ICD10 application while using ICD9.

This  means, that when October 2015 arrives, you and your staff are ready for the start of ICD-10 

For more details call 305-227-2383  or 1-877-938-9311 

Ask for your Free Trail or Webinar


Paul G. Silverio-Benet



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