Friday, May 29, 2015

What is the difference between the ICD and DSM?


What is the difference between the ICD and DSM?

The ICD is a core function of the World Health Organization, spelled out in its constitution and ratified by all 193 WHO member countries. The ICD has existed for more than a century, and became WHO's responsibility when it was founded in 1948 as an agency of the United Nations. Before 1980, psychiatric diagnostic systems reflected the dominant psychoanalytic ideas of the time, emphasizing the role of experience, downplaying biology.

"The American Psychiatric Association can really be credited with a revolution in psychiatric nosology with the publication of DSM-III by introducing a descriptive nosological system based on co-occurring clusters of symptoms," said WHO psychologist Geoffrey Reed, PhD.

There was very little international participation in the DSM-III, but at the time it may have been impossible to make such a big shift at the international level, he explained. As a result, DSM-III and ICD-8 (the version in effect at the time) were quite different from one another but as the descriptive phenomenological approach to diagnose mental disorders became dominant, the DSM and ICD have become very similar, partly because of collaborative agreements between the two organizations.

Still, there is widespread sentiment that it is not helpful to the field to have two separate classification systems for mental disorders. Many important distinctions between the two systems remain, Reed said:

  • The ICD is produced by a global health agency with a constitutional public health mission, while the DSM is produced by a single national professional association.
  • WHO's primary focus for the mental and behavioral disorders classification is to help countries to reduce the disease burden of mental disorders. ICD's development is global, multidisciplinary and multilingual; the primary constituency of the DSM is U.S. psychiatrists.
  • The ICD is approved by the World Health Assembly, composed of the health ministers of all 193 WHO member countries; the DSM is approved by the assembly of the American Psychiatric Association, a group much like APA's Council of Representatives.
  • The ICD is distributed as broadly as possible at a very low cost, with substantial discounts to low-income countries, and available free on the Internet; the DSM generates a very substantial portion of the American Psychiatric Association's revenue, not only from sales of the book itself, but also from related products and copyright permissions for books and scientific articles.

Will the DSM be superseded by the ICD? There is little justification for maintaining the DSM as a separate diagnostic system from the ICD in the long run, particularly given the U.S. government's substantial engagement with WHO in the area of classification systems. But, said Reed, "there would still be a role for the DSM, because it contains a lot of additional information that will never be part of the ICD. In the future, it may be viewed as an important textbook of psychiatric diagnosis rather than as the diagnostic 'Bible.'"

Monday, May 4, 2015

ICD-10 2 for 1 Approach

No earlier than October 1, 2015 the United States will adopt the latest version of medical codes by updating to ICD-10. Last updated in 1977 the new ICD-10 will increase the number of codes from approximately 13,600 to more than 144,000.

ICD-10 codes will change everything, and AccuChecker OnLine can get you prepared. Beyond our ICD-10 implementation :

The 2 in 1 approach! Do you know that our ICD-10-CM also works as ICD-9-CM?
It means that when Congress approves ICD10 your practice is already proficient with the new coding.

AccuChecker is much more than ICD-10 :

The AccuChecker OnLine  is a comprehensive database with: 

·         Procedures – CPT, Category II and HCPCS codes.

·         Diagnoses codes (ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS).

·         Converter of ICD9 to ICD10.

·         Medicare fee schedules including OPPS rates in radiology.

·         Coding techniques like:

§  Corrective Coding Initiative (CCI)

§  Medical Necessity - procedures matching diagnoses.

§  Medicare’s LCD and NCD.

§  Surgical modifiers outlining coding guidelines.

§  Global period for surgical services.


Details at :      1-877-938-9311  or  305-227-2383

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ICD - 10 and Mental Health

Effective October 1, 2015, the entire U.S. health care system will transition to using the ICD-10-CM code set. This transition comes on the heels of the release of the DSM-5 in May 2013, which has been adopted by payers and direct service organizations at varying speeds.

Providers must start planning now if they have not already begun.

Modern History of the Medical Dictionary—ICD-10

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Diseases has served the healthcare community for over a century. The United States implemented the current version (ICD-9) in 1979. While most industrialized countries moved to ICD-10 several years ago, the United States is just now transitioning with a final compliance date of October 1, 2015. It’s time our Medical Dictionary reflected modern medicine.

Key Points
  • DSM-5 contains all of the information needed to assign HIPAA-compliant, valid ICD-10-CM codes to the psychiatric diagnoses.

  •  Codes can be found in parentheses within the diagnostic criteria box for each disorder in the DSM-5.

  •  According to the DSM-5, if more than one code can be assigned to a disorder, the codes can be found at the bottom of the diagnostic criteria box. This is the case when subtypes are coded. For instance, for schizoaffective disorder, the depressive type is coded as F25.1 and the bipolar type is coded as F25.0

  •  For disorders with more complex coding, coding notes and coding tables are provided at the bottom of the criteria box. The substance/medication-induced disorders, for example, have complex coding

ICD-10 Part of The Medical Loss Ration [MLR]

ICD-10 Implementation as Quality Improvement


HHS will allow insurers to count a certain percentage of their ICD-10 conversion costs as a
quality improvement activity. ICD refers to the International Statistical Classification of Disease and are alphanumeric designations given to every diagnosis, description of symptoms and cause of death. ICD codes are widely used in medical billing by insurers, as well as for research and other purposes. These codes will become increasingly important as electronic medical records are implemented. 

HHS had initially proposed that health insurers would have to convert their billing systems from ICD version 9 (ICD-9) to ICD version 10 (ICD-10) by October 1, 2013. However, they have
extended that deadline to October 1, 2014. For an insurer’s MLR calculation, HHS has stated that ICD-10 conversion costs that account for up to 0.3% of an insurer’s premium revenue can be counted as quality improvement activities for the 2012 and 2013 reporting years which could increase their MLR slightly. Any additional costs for ICD-10 maintenance and claims
adjudication systems would count as administrative costs under the MLR rule. To the extent these additional costs exceed 0.3%, they would reduce the denominator and could reduce the MLR.

Given the importance of ICD-10 and the required transition of the Health Plans , physicians are required to be prepared  for the conversion to ICD-10 in October 2015.

The time to prepare is NOW. 

AccuChecker is The Complete Tool For Medical Reimbursement.

Designing ICD-10-CM our main concern was implementing the best retrieval techniques in searching, extracting and selecting the correct diagnosis codes and presenting the ICD-10-CM information like in a book format and at the same time delivering in  the most comprehensive, fastest and accurate ONLINE system in the healthcare industry.  

Ask for a demo and compare our ICD-10-CM to the most expenses systems in the market – compare feature by feature and then compare our prices – AccuChecker OnLine Product Line applications including our ICD-10-CM gives the highest return on investment to any medical software in the nation. 

How do we present the ICD-10-CM Codes? 

AccuChecker OnLine ICD-10-CM lists the most common description identifier of a diagnosis code and also displays synonyms or names that are identified by the same code and the same condition.


Level of Detail in Coding: 

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis codes are to be used and reported at their highest number of digits available. They are composed of codes with 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 digits.

Seventh character and placeholders: 

Some codes require the use of a seventh character for codes in chapters.

If there are fewer than six characters in the code (not counting the decimal point) the placeholder "x" is used to ensure that the seventh character is always in the seventh position. 


The word "Includes" appears immediately under certain categories to further define, or give examples of, the content of the category. 

Excludes Notes: ICD-10-CM has two types of excludes notes. 

·         Exclude 1 - Indicates that the code excluded should never be used at the same time as the code in this section.
·         Exclude 2 - Indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time. 

Code First/Use Additional Code notes (etiology/manifestation paired codes): 

Certain conditions have both an underlying etiology and multiple body system manifestations due to the underlying etiology. For such conditions the ICD-10-CM has a coding convention that requires the underlying condition be sequenced first followed by the manifestation. Wherever such a combination exists there is a "use additional code" note at the etiology code, and a "code first" note at the manifestation code. These instructional notes indicate the proper sequencing order of the codes, etiology followed by manifestation. 

ICD-9-CM CODES: AccuChecker OnLine ICD-10-CM also displays the ICD-9-CM code and description of the diagnosis code, it is the “2-IN-ONE” approach: 

You can use our ICD-10-CM version to operate ICD-9-CM, which means that the staff in the office will be proficient using the ICD10 application while using ICD9.

This will mean, that when October 2015 arrives, you and your staff are ready for the start of ICD-10

For more details call 305-227-2383  or 1-877-938-9311 

Ask for your Free Trail or Webinar

Paul G. Silverio-Benet


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ICD-10 brings with it eight times the number of codes. It’s expected to impact costs and may affect your bottom line. Are you ready? 

Don't Lose Some of Your Reimbursement. 

ACK Hotline is your solution for your Medical Reimbursement.  A support service that will assist you with:


PQRS                                                  HEDIS

National Quality Measures                 ICD-10

Coding                                                Meaningful Use

Value-Based Modifier                        MRA



How It Works:                      

·         Unlimited Email Support

·         Unlimited Calls

·         No Contracts ~ Cancel When You Want

·         $59.00 per Month

·         Service is:  Monday through Thursday  8:00AM to 5:00PM

                               Friday 8:00AM to 1:00PM



Avoid the penalties and understand how to navigate in today’s medical reimbursement !!!

 For More Details: 305-227-2383  or 1-877-938-9311 ( Ask For Felicia )




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5201 Blue Lagoon Dr.
Suite 815
Miami, FL 33126